Light it Up

Last night I got caught up on FB and I saw a video where Regina King was recounting the iconic scene in “Waiting to Exhale” when Angela Bassett sets a vehicle on fire. (If you haven’t seen the movie – Watch it.)

Anyhow, my memory immediately recounted the scene in my head and I connected to that experience in such a profound way.

See in the scene, Angela Bassett’s character realized that her marriage was over. So through her tears and frustration, she gathered all of the THINGS that represented her husband and loaded them into his vehicle and covers the whole thing in gasoline. The vehicle was pulled away from the home and in this classic scene as she walks towards the camera she lights a cigarette and tosses the lighter behind her at the car and it explodes in flames as she takes her new sense of self into her home. 

When I saw that movie the first time that scene was just a scene, a good one, but just a scene. But last night when I watched it again it reminded me of me. You see I have been in a long term relationship with my fear, other people’s expectations of me, my self-doubt, and so many other things that have held me back from achieving my highest potential. I had to cry and get angry enough to remove them from my house and put them back in the vehicle they came from. 

You’re unauthentic-self will eventually tire of you, especially when you decide to be true to your heart. The break-up may feel painful because you have been so close. You will feel betrayal, anger, frustration, and overwhelming sadness. But on the other side of it all, you will BE completely EMPOWERED to show up in your life in ways that you never dreamed possible.

This is a call to all my sisters who are ready to show up for their own lives; ready to shed the expectations that keep them bound in lives that don’t serve or empower them.  Let’s get rid of all those THINGS that are holding you back. Throw some gasoline on it girls. 

And when the cops come around and tell you it’s burning, tell them “It is trash.” (You gotta watch the movie for that reference). 

Listen. I have been working on a big shift in my life and business that is going to really help you to impact your life in profound ways. If you have been enjoying the content and information that I am presenting, please follow my page and click the sign-up button to stay connected. 

You know I love you!!!

Let Go

Have you ever been in a place where you didn’t understand why you were at that place but also didn’t have the courage to leave?design-desk-display-313690

Photo by from Pexels

Why do we lose the courage to stay true to our wants and desires? It’s because we perceive that the place where we are has control over our experience in life. Our leaving would make us destitute and unsettled. We may lose things that we deem are important. Many of us only feel a sense of courage when we can assure ourselves that we have created a cushion to fall on.

You leave a relationship only when a new perspective partner arises or you only leave a job when you have found a better opportunity. The fear lies in leaving and standing on your own. All too often we have been conditioned to believe that standing on your own is impossible. You need that other person or thing, or job to be stable. You feel that you alone could not handle the immense responsibility of being you without the assistance of something or someone else.

And while I’m not saying leave, quit, go to anyone, I am saying leave, quit, go to everyone. When enough is enough don’t hesitate. Learn that you are enough to carry the joyous wonder that is you. You are enough to handle the life you have created and you are enough to create one that better suits you.

As we try to dream our dreams and subsequently live them it is important not to get stuck inbalance-cobblestone-conceptual-279470 reality. It is vastly important to dream those lives we desire and relax into knowing that those things we hope for are not only possible but probable. Where your focus lies is ultimately where your reality is birthed.

My hope for you today is that you never feel like you are stuck. To always make use of your wings and soar to new heights. Nothing is stopping you except for your fear of the unknown. But the unknown is only what you make it out to be. Make your unknown joyful, adventurous, and revealing. Learn to love that space and it will bring you the courage to live the life of your dreams.

5 Steps to Designing Your Life

In the past few weeks, I have been meeting and connecting with women who are resolved that they need to see some change in their lives. They are looking for new jobs or awaiting changes in their current job. Life is happening around them and they are waiting to see what happens. Every time I hear their stories the one thing that has been resonating and that I always ask them is, have you figured out what you want?

I have spent many years letting life happen to me and, to be honest, some very good things have happened. However, from what I understand about life and spirit I have more of a say in life than I have actually been taking. I have creative power over my life. That is Biblical and spiritual. We all have the ability to be exterior and interior designers of our own lives. The problem is many of us forget or do not realize the extent of this power.

This is what that looks like every one of us is created by God. Our creator God has given

Photo by from Pexels

us His image. That does not mean that we have his eyes or his broad shoulders. We cannot look back at family photos and see Him in the human form but what we do have is the spiritual DNA that he has given us. We have the ability to think and speak things into existence. The problem is that many of us speak and think in opposition. For instance, we will think about and meditate abundance and prosperity but then when discussing life with friends talk about how broke we are. Or we may talk about the life we want with friends and family but not have the belief that we can really have that. We simply believe in our current reality.

So here is my advice:

1.”Write the vision”. That should sound familiar to some of you. Write down what you want to see happen in the next phase of your life. Write down what you would like today and every day from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. Write down what your ideal workday looks like and what you would like to do at a job.brainstorming-business-plan-close-up-908295

2. Create a visual representation of what you have written. Some people create vision boards others use scrapbooks. In this day and age, you can even use Pinterest (My FAV site). Creating a visual representation allows you to have a physical representation of your dreams when your imagination gets stifled. It helps you get excited about what you envision. It helps to invoke the feelings that are associated with your vision.

3. Meditate on the Vision. Daily meditate on what you want to see happen in your life. Even it is just a few minutes a day see it in your mind’s eye.

4. Speak the vision. Look into the mirror daily and speak directly to yourself about your visions. Look yourself in the eyes and speak positive affirmations to yourself. Remind yourself that you are the creation of God and that you possess the DNA of your creator. Then begin to speak your vision into the world around you. Remember God said “Let there be light”, and it was so. YOU have that same power. Use it.

5. ACT on the Vision. This is the most important step. If you have done ALL of the previous steps then this one should come naturally. You should be able to easily see the actions that are necessary to create your vision because you know what your vision is and you know that it is possible. Search for the job that you envisioned it is out there. Start the business that you wrote about you have the details of what you are going to do. Everything that you desire is actually possible to achieve and have.

Stop waiting for life to happen to you and begin to create the life you want.

Photo by nappy from Pexels


Get Your Head IN The Clouds

Have you ever had someone count you out based on their interpretation of you? We all daydream sometimes and every so often we have big dreams. You see yourself living in a mansion or having a fabulous car. Maybe you envision yourself traveling to exotic places, or being a hugely successful business person,  or sharing your talent on the world’s stage. When you dream about what you want for your life your heart becomes excited you feel invigorated and you are so inspired to have your what you dream of that you begin to share with those dreams with others. Unfortunately, sometimes when we openly share them with others they immediately bring us back to reality.

Why is it that when you dream for yourself, others who don’t see it take their hand and

Photo by Dana Tentis from Pexels

wipe away the daydream clouds that may have been brightening your spirit? Why is it that many people that we associate with automatically bring us to the negative instead of opening their hearts and seeing our dreams for themselves? It is because many have lost their own ability to dream. Dreaming and imagination is key to living a purposeful life, but many have been caught and trapped in the vicious cycle of a reality mindset.

Maybe you have also crushed someone else’s dream. When you heard a friend talk about the big house they wanted to buy did you say “that sounds great, I can’t wait to visit” or, did you respond sarcastically with “let me know how that goes for you”? We all want to believe in others dreams somewhere inside but the reality of life often clouds our vision and keeps us from hoping for anything outside of what we can see.

I would venture a guess that you have even gotten into the habit of killing your own dreams because you are so focused on your reality. STOP IT! I  say, today, get your head IN the clouds! Stop focusing on what your situation is and see your situation the way you want it to be. Make vision boards and change your screen savers. Think about your dreams daily and write them down in a journal.  Set your intentions in your mind and heart. When someone tries to bring you back to reality look at all the tangible things you have created bring you back to your dreams. Once your head is in the clouds maybe you can bring someone else up to higher heights with you or at least not rain on their parade when they express their desire for something better.

Dreaming is your heart’s way of setting goals. Your heart has certain desires and thingsclear-sky-daydreaming-hammock-914929 that it knows you can have and accomplish. If you choose not to dream or to suppress your dreams you will constantly feel unfulfilled. Use your dreams to help you craft your life. When you allow yourself to have them and regularly focus on them your entire being has the opportunity to connect with them. You will begin to actively work towards them and ultimately achieve what you see.


Get Back Up Again

Let me introduce myself. My name is Gabrielle and I am a 41-year-old mother of two. In my life, I have worked at several corporations and government agencies. I have been in 20180816_104310business for myself with a few different network marketing companies and I have tried a host of other entrepreneurial ventures. I have had many success and failures as well. And with all that I have just stated you would think that I could be some sort of Guru in something, right!

Well, I am not. You see, in all that I was doing before I was not focused on a dream. I was not focused on a purpose. I was focused on being the best at what I was doing (my work), or making more money (business ventures). So my success was short lived. They would be great for a time but not sustainable because they did not connect me to the divine purpose and calling for my life.

Several years ago, I had a dream. I was preparing for a trip and I had to catch an international flight. I had no idea where I was going in the dream but I knew it was a air-air-travel-aircraft-731217long flight and I had to get to the airport to go. I was in my home trying to pack but I couldn’t figure out what I needed for the trip. I was in a panic trying to get there. I got into my ride and drove to the airport but needed to go home and get something else. The dream kept going on and on with me trying to get and bring more things and not knowing what to bring. The whole time in the dream and internal voice kept saying, “don’t worry, you’ll get it when you get there.” I could see the other passengers on the plane. They were waiting for me. They could not go on their trip unless I was there.

I woke up realizing that I had a calling and that I was responsible for the journeys of other people. There are people waiting for me to live my purpose. So now your asking, “Gabrielle, did you make changes and live on purpose?” No, no I didn’t. I did more of the same. Then on top of doing more of the same my life started falling apart. My relationships changed; I lost things, and I couldn’t figure out how to sustain my life anymore. I started to suffer from anxiety and depression, unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.

Thankfully, I had a family structure that could support me. I had somewhere to go and people to speak life into me. Slowly I began to pick up the pieces of my life. I moved to my home city, got a new job and went right back into living my life the way I was before. Being great at what I do but not following my purpose.

Well recently I became ill and although I wanted to keep living my regular everyday life my body would not allow me to function normally. So I had to be home and in bed just relax. However, in that space and time I had was able to read some books that I wanted to read and listen to some podcasts and become inspired about life again. Well as I said in my introduction I am a 41-year-old mother of two and some fear and doubt can set in because well at this age can I really get back up again and change my experience of life. Short answer – YES!

I am getting back up and starting over in this blog and in various social media sites. I am dreaming again and I am connecting with my purpose because there are others who need to know that they too have not finished living and that they don’t need to settle for where they are now. I am finally getting on my plane and although I don’t have everything planned and prepared I will get it while I am on my journey.

Photo by Johannes Rapprich from Pexels

We can all get back up again and live the life of our dreams no matter when you begin again. Here’s the thing that you absolutely must remember though when you’re getting back up, determine your purpose. Your purpose is what is going to make your life that much more successful and carry you closer to your dreams. There are people waiting on your plane too. They need you to get on so that everyone can take off. So no matter what you have experienced dust yourself off and get back up again.

Ready isn’t Real

Photo by Igor Haritanovich from Pexels

This past week I have relaunched my blog, FB page, and Avon business. I was encouraged by my mentor to host an online grand opening party. She told me just to invite everyone and she would do some posting for the party. I tried to put it off. I am just getting over a case of pneumonia, my son has a cold and I was very nervous about how to reconnect with people. I kept telling myself that I wasn’t ready. However, she made it seem so easy so I went along with it. Before the end of the evening, I had not only contacted people that I hadn’t connected with in years but I also recorded my first FB live video. Thanks to my daughter and my friends that video had over 400 views and I have momentum and inspiration that I did not have before.

If I had continued to push things off, I might still be sitting here tonight no closer to my dreams and goals than I was 5 years ago. Listen, don’t wait for “ready”. Don’t worry about lining up the ducks. Get going now, today, this minute. If you have a dream or passion that has been in your heart, go for it. Being ready is only an excuse to keep you stagnant. You will learn your lessons as you live. So just get up and GO GO GO!


Just As You Are

Simply put you are beautiful just as you are and as you choose to be. When we come out of our mother’s womb we are beautiful. As we grow older each of us continues to be beautiful. If you gain or lose weight, if you wear makeup or not, if you choose to wear long hair, short, hair, no hair, permed hair etc. you are beautiful as you choose to be. If you decide on body altering surgery that is up to you but don’t do it in attempts to be beautiful, because you are already that just as you are.

Don’t allow others to make you feel uncomfortable in your skin. They may offer criticism that can cause you to question your beauty. That is only because something about your beauty makes them feel uncomfortable and jealous. Therefore, instead of appreciating your beauty they condemn you. The Bible says that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” it also tells us that we were created in the image and likeness of God. Well since I believe the Word of God I must believe that I am beautiful just as I am and so are you!
